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Journey With God

Journey With God

Bible study series

One God

Fundamental to any spiritual pursuit is the deep desire to know God. To this end, this study looks at God's self-description in Scripture and explores the heart and effort involved in a pursuit of God.

One Lord

We believe that Jesus is the Son of God and to be a Christian means to follow Him as a disciple. This study explores what it looks like to be a Christ-follower.

One Faith

The singular most significant witness to God is the Bible. As God's inspired Word, the Bible is our greatest resource for the spiritual journey. This study explores the ways in which the Bible is an invaluable part of our journey.

One Baptism

Baptism is an essential part of the journey of discipleship. This study explores the significance and necessity of baptism.

One Hope

The hope we have through Christ is unparalleled. This study examines Jesus' act of sacrifice and the transformative power of God's grace in our lives.

One Spirit

The presence and power of the Holy Spirit is central to life in Christ. The Spirit works in disciples, among disciples, and through disciples. The purpose of this study is to understand the amazing gift that the Holy Spirit is to your journey with God.

One Church

Scripture describes the church with a variety of metaphors. This study explores these metaphors to discover God's intention for the church and the importance of your role in it.

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